Prostate massage

Therapeutic massage of prostate by Healingtouch massage studio is a combination of different types of therapies. Prostate massage, especially should it be a preventive treatment, is healthy, should bring a nice, intense and profound experience. 

About massage

  • We have years of practice with performing the Prostate massage while it is recommended by doctors, especially urologists, to our clients.
  • If the prostate (prostatitis) is in healthy shape this massage is a very good preventive measure and should bring nice, intense and profound experiences. Besides, it has beneficial effects on prostate flexibility. Like other organs of the body also the prostate needs to be regularly stimulated in order to keeping healthy blood flow.
  • It is important that this massage is a pleasure for you and not a necessary evil, as it happens to be during medical examinations.
  • Men usually feel blockage in the anale area but insted the primary feeling should be pleasure. Already during the first pleasant therapy we manage to replace these negative feelings with positive ones.

Healingtouch Prostate massage is a combination of different types of therapies.

This massage consists of classical massage strokes, in which we focus on hips, buttocks, thighs and rear. Initially we stimulate the prostate through the reflex points on your feet and hands. This is followed by a special sequence of touches designed to relax the area around the anus and stimulate this area in pleasure. After we manage to release the tension we then proceed to the internal prostate massage. Gentle strokes and prostate specific pressure points gently stimulate blood circulation and bring relaxation to the body.

  • The entire therapeutic massage can be supported via plasma therapy running on a certain frequency. We use a plasma generator which transmits frequencies that interfere with prostate harmful bacteria in order to eliminate it during the massage. This will greatly enhance the therapeutic effect.

After the massage we will help you and educate you further on how to detoxify your body and get rid of the harmful substances so that the prostate will stay helthier without the accumulation of harmful influences. We can also recommend healing substances to you.

Preventive Prostate massage should be performed once or twice a month, it depends on age and condition of the client. If you want to experience even more pleasure during this massage, visit our other website.

  • Stimulation of a healthy prostate is perceived as pleasant feeling. However, men in general don’t know anything about the case and don’t facilitate it. It takes many years without care until health problems start to appear. These can be avoided by using special exercises and regular massages.

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